At arrival you will be asked to provide proof of vaccination for your bunny.

No vaccination - No admission - No exceptions.

We need to be strict on our vaccination policy in the interest and safety of our other guests.

You will further be asked to fill in an agreement form and a veterinarian form. The agreement form tells us your contact details and a little bit more about your bunny. The veterinarian form gives us the right to take your bunny to the vets in case it needs urgent care. The cost of a veterinarian visit will be forwarded to you.

If your bunny has special dietary requirements we ask you to provide the food for the duration of its stay.

In case your bunny has no dietary requirements there is no need to bring any food, everything is included. Please do bring your bunny’s favourite toy, blanket or pass-time - it helps them settle in and feel at home.

The carry case in which you have brought your bunny can be left with us for when you pick them back up.